SEAMAN for many forecast areas all over the world
Once you installed SEAMAN you have easy access to continuously updated forecasts of the following sea weather parameters:
- Weather condition as a symbol
- Average wind direction and speed
- Gusts
- Air pressure
- Air temperature
- Wave height and direction
The 5 day and 48 hour forecasts are based on best forecast models worldwide.
Choose you forecast area and see the complete sea weather. With our passage planning tool you also get the route weather as a chart and a graph.
You have access to current forecast data after you booked the app for a set time frame. We also offer vacation packages for one month or a yearly subscription for 12 months. If you do not have any special requests when booking, you will receive your user data within minutes.
You can test SEAMAN for free (with old weather data) at
An overview of all our forecast products can be found here.