You may declare the revocation of your contractual statement in text form (e.g. letter, email) or by returning the merchandise within a period of X weeks/month. The revocation does not have to contain any grounds. We will forward this revocation instruction to you again in text form. The revocation period commences the day following the receipt of merchandise and this revocation instruction in text form. The time-limit shall be deemed to be observed by the timely dispatch of the declaration of revocation or the return shipment.
The revocation is to be addressed to:
WetterWelt GmbH
Schauenburgerstr. 166
24118 Kiel
Fax: +49 (0)431 560 66 75
The right of revocation does not apply on contracts for the supply of goods or services produced according to customer specifications or clearly tailored to personal needs or which, by reason of their quality, or for the delivery of audio or video recordings or of software that has been licensed by the consumer.
Consequences of revocation
In case of a valid revocation, all mutually received performances as well as emoluments taken (e.g. interest), if applicable, are to be restituted by either side. All reimbursement obligations from us will be fulfilled within 14 days of the declaration of revocation using the same method as the original payment.
Example revocation form
(If you wish to revoke your contract, please fill in this form and send it back to us.)
WetterWelt GmbH
Schauenburgerstr. 166
24118 Kiel
Fax: +49 (0)431 97 99 08 0
I hereby revoke my contract with which I bought the following products / services (*)
Ordered on ___________________ (*)/ received on _______________________(*)
Name of consumer ______________________________________
Address of conumser
_________ _____________________________________________________
Date Signature of consumer (only if send in on paper)
(*) please cross out when inapplicable